Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day! Our weather has been beautiful lately but I thought I'd show you what it looked like a few weeks ago. we had LOTS of snow (as I know a lot of people did). It was quite fun for the kids but the novelty has worn off and we are embracing the spring-like sunshine we've had the past couple of days.

Tommorow I should be able to post some fun Layouts I did for my guest design team spot at Go scrapping.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

ETA: I deleted the other LO because...IT WAS PICKED UP FOR PUBLICATION!!! yes I'm yelling but with delight not anger...WoooHooo!

Here are a couple more pages. I love both of these ones (still :D ) Also a couple of pics of the lunar eclipse from last night. I broke my favorite lens yesterday :( So now I only have a fully manual one. I guess its time to actually learn how to use my DSLR huh? Maybe I should practice with some still lifes in Lucy's room. Her entire carpet is covered with Pet Shop City. I swear the giant-eyed-plastic-bobble-headed-critters are actually reproducing!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am able to post my January Inque Boutique design team stuff today! Now that it has been a few weeks, I'm looking back and not loving the Toy Box LO anymore. I think it is too plain. does that ever happen to you? You make something and really like it but then look back and think I wish I'd done it differently? I really love the others so maybe its a style thing. I like the clean graphic look on other people's pages but not my own? (Or maybe I'm just not good at it :D ) . In anycase it is now a part of our family chronicles so its staying as is. :D

I've got a few more but I think I'll save them until tommorow. ;)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

These photos make it look kind of orangey but Katie now has a layer of permanently pink hair. She has been asking for a while to do this and I decided that it may be a good time to let her experiment with different looks. After all she's a straight A student, in the choir and strings, and she's on the safety patrol (a crossing gaurd). I can't really complain or even give her a good reason why not to do it (as far as I know dyeing your hair pink has no major moral ramifications :D ). She really loves it and I secretly wish I could get away with dying my hair pink ;) .

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Word

I wasn't going to have an official "word" for the year (though I am a huge Ali Edwards fan ) because I tend to get all ambitious then be completely turned off after a while and I didn't want to ruin any words for myself. weird, huh? Well I changed my mind. I'm doing "order" and approaching it with a slow-and-steady-wins-the-race attitude. My home, my finnances, my time...I really need this. On the creative side of things though I just did a layout that was fun and free and not ordered (having a way to rebel might help me apply order where I need it ;) ). It's for this my guest design team spot over at Go Scrapping so I can't show you just yet. Have a wonderful wednesday and hopefully I can implement some order to the frequency of my blogging. :D

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I've been up to something...

Really I have, I havn't been just sitting around here ignoring blogdom. I moved my studio (kicked poor dh out of his office) and I've been busy painting and organizing. I still need to find a good (attractive) lamp and a narrow two drawer fileing cabinet and to put together some inspiring stuff for my walls but I'm almost done. Here's a small sneak peek.