I've been tagged, the first time ever (not sure what that means LOL)
Here are the Rules about the TAG:
1. Post the name and URL of the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules
3. Write seven things about yourself
4. Put the links in to your 7 favourite blogs
5. Name 7 people you are going to tag
6. Post a comment on their blog to say they've been tagged.
Seven things to love/hate about me...
1. I can't type. I hunt-peck my way through countless hours of computer time. (Scramble, blog posts, message board posts...) and I look at the keys not the screen so remember that if you see typos. :D
2. I ran a half marathon last year and plan to do a longer race this year. (I won't say what it is because I'm afraid I lose motivation if I start telling people about it :D I'm weird that way.)
3. I swam in the Artic Ocean. In 1997 my hubby and I drove up to Inuvik NWT and then hopped a little plane to Tuktoyaktuk and jumped in. It was June but there was still ice in the harbor.
4. I've walked on hot coals. My sister in law Chariti arranged a fire walk for us (with a professional) a few years ago and it was amazing! No, I don't know how it works, no, I didn't burn my feet, yes it was really hot. (We built the bon fire and watched it burn down. then raked out the red-hot coals and took turns walking across them).
5. I have five kids. The last three were born at home and I loved it so much that if I ever change careers I will be a midwife or doula.
6. I truely wish to live a simple lifestyle with minimal "stuff". This wars constantly with deeply ingrained pack rat tendancies that I inherited from my mom and are inherent in every crafter. :D I'll keep working on it.
7. I graduated from WSU in 2000 (summa cum laude, BA Interior Design) but haven't worked outside my home since. I do freelance graphic design and scrapbook related stuff and occaisionally I do some sewing/upholstry projects.
Seven places that I love to visit instead of doing _________(insert housework, yardwork, laundry, cooking, etc. :D )
http://sarahbowen.typepad.com/ Sara Bowen
http://lilybeanpaperie.typepad.com/lilybeans_paperie/ Melissa Phillips
http://lindaalbrecht.typepad.com/simple_things/ Linda Albrecht
http://www.melissafrances.typepad.com/ Melissa Francis Blog
http://nancydavies.blogspot.com/ Nancy Davies
http://ashleygailey.typepad.com/is_this_thing_on/ Ashley Gailey
http://renegadehealth.com/blog/ The Renegade Health bog (raw recipes)
I'm tagging:
Nancy, Nyla, Jenn, Dawn, Vittoria, Sunni, and Kim